Standardization of Ajmodadichurna and Haritakichurna
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Introduction-Standardization is an essential process to evaluate the quality,purity, safety andefficacyof a drug. Standardization meansthecomparison of a test substance with a reference substance on the basis of organoleptic,physical and physiochemical parameters.This article reportson thestandardization ofAjmodadichurnaand Haritakichurna.Ajmodadichurna is a polyherbal classical Ayurvedic medicine containing 12 ingredients. It gives relief in inflammatory painful conditions such as Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgic pain etc. Haritaki is an excellent antioxidant and rejuvenativeherb (Rasayana),having digestive and mild laxative action. It is a potent detoxifying and anti-aging herb that efficiently supports liver functions and metabolism as well.
Material and Methods-Ajmodadichurna and Haritakichurna (Patanjali Company).
Result and Discussion- In this study we have done the standardization of Ajmodadichurna and Haritakichurna. All the set parameters were sufficient to standardize both the drugs and are helpful not only to ensure the quality of drugs but also to find out the purity of the drugs.
Conclusion-The present article deals with the importance and methods of standardization of Ajmodadichurna and Haritakichurna in order to ensure their quality, purity, safety, and efficacy.